Hello and Yiasou!
I’m Margaret and welcome to Create Cook Share, where you’ll find all my home cooked, Gluten-Free recipes.
My love for cooking began from a very young age and I always felt the soul of a home was in the kitchen but my journey in cooking gluten free food began back in 2008 when my daughter was diagnosed with coeliac disease.
It was a very difficult time as we didn’t know much about this disease and there was limited gluten free options in supermarkets and restaurants. I had to learn how to cook the food we loved to eat but without gluten.
Ever since that day, my focus has been on creating and cooking simple yet flavourful and delicious food that would nourish my two beautiful children.
In 2015 I discovered the platform, Instagram and began sharing photos and recipes with whoever wanted to follow.
I found that many people had been struggling to find recipes that were gluten free and did not compromise on taste or texture. This pushed me to continue creating, cooking and sharing recipes, aiming to provide achievable gluten free meals that were wholesome, simple to cook and flavourful.
Along the way, I also realised my love for food photography and in 2020 decided to change careers, attend college and to learn how to capture and photograph what I was cooking.
During this rabbit-hole journey, my husband and children have been my biggest supporters, fans and most importantly, the taste testers that make sure what I add to this page tastes delicious!
So, take a look around, pour yourself a glass of whatever tickles your fancy and find tonight’s meal.
Happy Cooking and Kali Orexi!